Business Model Canvas


Business Model Canvas Program

The Business Model Canvas is a Strategic Management and Lean Startup template for developing new or redesigning existing business models to create competitive advantage. Based on the framework developed by Strategyzer, the canvas is presented as a visual chart with 9 building blocks spanning the areas of the organization’s core offering, inf rastructure, customers, and finances. The 9 building blocks include: Customer Segments, Value Propositions, Channels, Customer Relationships, Revenue Streams, Key Resources, Key Activities, Key Partnerships and Cost Structure.

This innovative tool can be used in a collaborative setting, e.g. post pandemic strategy workshop. It helps organizations align their activities by illustrating and discussing potential trade-offs in a structured manner. Business Model Canvas is a framework to literally bring everyone on the same page. Users include executives, consultants, entrepreneurs and leaders of all organizations.

In this workshop, participants will acquire the knowledge and skills to apply the Business Model Canvas to develop innovative business models of value creation or transform current ones.


Key Benefits

  • The Model

    Understand the key concepts of design thinking and business model thinking.

  • Analyze Current BM

    Learn how to apply the Business Model Canvas to map out your current business model for understanding and analysis.

  • BMC Nine Building Blocks

    Acquire knowledge of the 9 building blocks of the Business Model Canvas for value creation.

  • BMC Way forward

    Gain basic knowledge of the Business Model design process.

Duration : Two Days Online/Offline

Program Topics Covered

  • Introduction to Business Model Thinking
  • Three traits of successful entrepreneurs
  • What is a business model canvas?
  • The strategic management f ramework for developing business models
  • Design Thinking - Foundation of the Business Model Canvas
  • What is design thinking?
  • Principles of design thinking
  • Industrial applications of design thinking
  • 5 phases of design thinking
  • The business model canvas consists of 9 building blocks
  • Left brain vs. right brain
  • Examples of business models
  • Business Model Canvas Design Process
  • 4 design strategies
  • Objectives of business model innovation
  • Business model design process
  • Design attitude
  • 5 phases of business model design
  • Implementing business models in organizations
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