Culture Transformation & People analytics

DISC - Personality Profiling Program

The foundation of personal and professional success lies in understanding oneself, understanding others, and realizing the impact our personalities have on others. Utilizing the DISC psychometric we engage teams in understanding themselves and their respective colleagues and their preferred communication style leading to increased familiarity and empathy through raising awareness.

Culture Transformation & People analytics

Key Benefits

  • Self Awareness

    Develop a new understanding of themselves & others.

  • DISC Personality Profile

    Identify the 4 basic personality styles of human beings.

  • Conflict Resolution

    Acquaint participants with how you respond to conflict, what motivates you, & how you handle problems.

  • Enhance Communication

    Improve communication & understanding between team members.

  • Different Personality Reaction

    Discover how different personality styles react and respond to job tasks & situations.

  • Communication Best Practice

    Implement best practices on how to adapt one’s style to better communicate & influence others.

Duration : One Day Online/Offline
Culture Transformation & People analytics

Program Topics Covered

  • DiSC® personality assessment
  • DiSC® model of personality styles
  • DiSC® behavioral Prof iles & Case Studies
  • DiSC® Communication & Relationships
  • DiSC® Style including personal priorities
  • DiSC® Style impacts their management preferences/tendencies, time-management and decision-making skills & how these characteristics impact those he/she manages
  • Awareness of different peoples’ style to respond appropriately through behaviors to be a more effective manager
  • Use your personal style to positively impact your career and/or goals
  • Action plan for working with his/her manager for more effective business results