Design Thinking

Sustainable Innovation & Intrapreneurship

Design Thinking Program

Design thinking is a design methodology that provides a solution based approach to solving occurring challenges in an innovative way. Design thinking put into play, the Business Model Canvas Design and Innovation intensive training covers the 9 key building blocks in depth, to understand the basic elements of any Business Model and develop one common language of how your organization works.

Sustainable Innovation & Intrapreneurship

Key Benefits

  • Understand Innovation

    Understand the strong relationship between entrepreneurship & innovation.

  • Customer Experience

    Understand different methods to assess the attractiveness of business opportunities.

  • Customer Empathy Map

    Apply design methods to develop innovative solutions to answer the potential customer’s needs & meet the design specification.

  • Design Thinking For Organizations

    Underpinning the issues of developing & sustaining innovation within organizations.

  • Business Model Canvas (BMC)

    Know how to transform an initial idea into a fully-fledged business opportunity & effectively communicate.

  • Innovation In Action

    Design creative strategies for pursuing, exploiting and further developing new opportunities.

Duration : Two Days Online/Offline
Sustainable Innovation & Intrapreneurship

Program Topics Covered

  • What is innovation?
  • Different kinds of innovation
  • Designing thinking for future organization – innovation discussion
  • Design thinking process (empathize, design, ideate, prototype & test)
  • Design thinking simulation
  • Understand customer experience (think & feel, say, do, see, & hear)
  • Customer empathy map
  • Value proposition ( jobs to be done, pains, gains, gain creators, pain relievers, products and service)
  • Value proposition canvas
  • Business model canvas & the 9 building blocks
  • Different levels of testing & pivoting